Landaeus Trio
Källarbyn / Gamla Stan
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Mathias Landæus musik har inspirerat och gjort stort avtryck ända sedan åren som huspianist på Glenn Miller Café i slutet av 90-talet. Landæus rör sig i ett brett fält av jazz och improvisation med mycket humor, innerlighet och experimentlusta. Han har gett ut ett tjugotal skivor och samarbetat med stort sett varenda kotte på den svenska jazzscenen - men även internationella storheter som Benny Golson, Oliver Lake och Seamus Blake.
Mathias Landæus - piano,
TBA - bass,
TBA - drums
Mathias Landæus has released over 20 albums with different constellations. His lyrical touch and original style has earned him a reputation as an exciting jazz pianist and improviser. Whether he is playing with his trio or any of his other numerous projects, he is always committed to staying fresh and leaving plenty of room to explore the moment. As a composer, visionary leader and master collaborator, his work celebrates connection, imagination and freedom. Landæus has worked with international giants like Benny Golson, Oliver Lake and Seamus Blake - as well as virtually everyone on the Swedish scene.