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Liam Elion: Reflections

Källarbyn / Gamla Stan

lör 14 okt 2023 kl 16.00 – AVSLUTAD
Det här evenemanget avslutades i oktober 2023.

Liam Elion is an Israeli trombonist, upright-bassist, and composer. He is a graduate (BFA) of the Global Jazz Institute at Berklee College of Music 2023 and is bound to begin his Master's degree at UdK Berlin University of the Arts via the EUjam program.

In Boston he has already been performing with notable improvisers such as Tony Malaby, as well as leading his own regular gig at the famous Wally's jazz club.


Liam Elion - trombon,
Olle Lanner - bas,
Henrik Jäderberg - trummor
